Why should I care?
First off, I never said you should.
Second, I’ve spent most of my adult life writing about music, both as a freelancer for a bunch of different places (NPR, Bandcamp, Talkhouse, etc.), as a columnist over at Noisey, and the Music Editor of The A.V. Club. I’m tired of asking permission to do things, so I’m putting them here. I sincerely hope you like them.
Third, and most importantly, why Former Clarity? Despite what Laura Jane Grace thinks, it’s a pretty great Against Me! record, and the title of it has always resonated with me. And lately, when I think about what made me want to start writing about music, it wasn’t because of the money, it was because of the passion. I loved music more than anything and wanted to share that excitement with the world. Former Clarity is a means of doing exactly that.
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